Pepsi De Panait
Romanian import
Foreign and AKC Registered
DM Clear
Hips/Elbows: TBA
SIRE - BH IGP1 - Enzo de Panait
DAM - BH Kkl IGP1 SG - R-Queen di Casa Martin

This is our German import stud, Pepsi de Panait. Because he was named in another country, we cannot change his name on paper. However, he answers to Patriot. Our kids call him "The Fonz" because he lights up whichever room he enters. True to his nickname, Patriot always has us laughing and keeps the whole room entertained. The other dogs like Patriot and he is a friend to all of them. He can be a tough competitor when wrestling with a strong dog like Delta, and yet he lays down on the floor to wrestle with Yoda. Patriot is all of the dogs' favorite, and never ever lets his attitude get out of control when he plays and wrestles. We've never seen this guy lose his temper or use his size to bully anyone or anything. We could not ask for a better or nicer dog. His heart is wide open, and he loves with everything he has.
Patriot has an excellent temperament and is wonderful with our kids. He sleeps with one of the kids every night and is their constant companion. Our Patriot is obedient and compliant and never pushes his boundaries, obeying even our youngest child. He is very affectionate and is constantly trying to convince us that we would be more comfortable with him in our laps! Patriot is always close by, whether it is laying down on our feet, sprawling across a kid, crawling into my husband's lap, or leaning on the back of my legs while I cook. Patriot is stuck to us like glue.
Patriot is courageous, bold, strong, smart and handsome. He is a superb animal, and we all love him dearly. This guy has no malice and no agenda, except to love us and to always be a part of everything that's going on.
Patriot is DM Clear by parentage (he has also been certified as DM Clear) and comes from lines that are consistent in high quality hips and elbows. His lines are fully titled. We have high hopes that Patriot will develop into an amazing producer here at Liberty's West German Shepherds.
Patriot's sire is BH IGP1 Enzo de Panait, and his grandfather on that side is Reserve Seiger Champion Odin von Bischof Metzger. His grandmother on that side is BH WCC KKL1 IGP1 Uzzi von Haus Stoica. Patriot's dam is BH KKL1 IGP1 R-Queen Di Casa Martin, and his grandfather on that side is BH AD IPO1 IPO2 IPO3 KKL1 VA5 Henko von Holtkamper Hof. His grandmother on that side is IPO1 KKL1 Lajka Armandia Lidderdali. The list could go on and on with names like D'Ulmental, Melanchthon, Kuckucksland, Vom Pendler, and Du Haut Mansard. His pedigree is packed with successful and notorious dogs.
We are so happy to have had the opportunity to bring these amazing bloodlines to the U.S. through Patriot, and are looking forward to the contribution he will make to adding more of these amazing dogs to folks throughout the U.S.

Patriot is totally bummed here. After 20 minutes of trying to interrupt schoolwork for attention, he gave up and pouted. All this school stuff seriously interferes with his play time!!

He promoted himself to the couch on this random morning. That's not allowed in my house, and he knows it. He's just so sweet and hard to resist!

This boy's temperament is absolutely amazing!! He's such a cheerful and sweet dog.
Patriot always has to be touching someone!
Reba von Rogenkamp
DM Clear
AKC Registered
Hips/Elbows: TBA
SIRE - Von Frank's Samson
DAM - Von Frank's Sascha

This doll is Reba von Rogenkamp. Reba is a wonderful female. She is level-headed, obedient, and knows her place. Reba is wonderful with our kids and is very affectionate. Nothing makes her happier than to have her world filled with old and new friends.
One of our favorite tidbits that we love to share about Reba is her love for candy. She's not into chocolate and all things sweet, but rather hard candy in particular. Skittles are her favorite. We have a gumball machine in our foyer that we fill with Skittles. It's a pay-as-you-go type of set-up but Reba, through diligent observance, has figured out how to bump the machine just right which makes any stuck Skittles drop into the dispenser. She then snatches the Skittles and munches them. She does it all so quickly and quietly that we have to be on our toes in order to catch her in the act! It didn't dawn on me how far this habit had gone until one day I looked at her and said, "Enough! You've had enough candy today!" I did a mental double take at that moment, realizing I wasn't talking to one of my kids. Reba just brings that out in people. She is wiggly, delightful, never cranky, congenial, and just plain adorable. She's a real heart squeezer.
This girl is everything that we were hoping she would be and is the total package with brains, beauty, and temperament. Reba has become one of my most trusted and outstanding females and is an excellent mother. She absolutely loves her puppies as well as the puppies that the other females have, and she is eternally patient with them always entertaining them until they sack out for a long nap. She loves all the other dogs and gets along so well with them. My Reba is so welcoming to any incoming dogs and has a gift for putting them at ease from the very start. She is just fabulous.
Reba has a great pedigree. On her father's side is VA3 Ramses von Fichtenschlag, VA3 Dux de Cuatro Flores, and VA1 Unix vom Kappellenburg.
On her mother's side is V Renzo von vom Wolpertinger, 2x VA1 York von Ljulin, VA1 Ober von Bad-Boll, V Viernheimi Vazze, 2x VA1 Vegas du Haut Mansard, V Bessie von Zoxan, and V1 Quantas von Fichtenschlag.

For anyone planning ahead, we are accepting a limited number of deposits for puppies from Gunner. We already have a deposit for first pick of the solid black males from a breeding with Gunner. We plan to breed him with our newest black and red female, Ada, in the early part of 2025 for a spring litter. Their litter will consist of a 50/50 split between black/red puppies and solid black puppies.
Gunner von Rogenkamp Team Emi
SIRE - VT-BH IGP1 - X'Optimus de El Dorado
DAM - SG - Ofra vom Spessartblick
22 months old

We could not be more pleased with the way Gunner has turned out. He is magnificent and is so beautiful. His beauty doesn't just limit itself to the outside; Gunner is truly beautiful on the inside as well.
He is strong but sensitive, goofy but serious, has enough of a solid male ego to carry himself well, but not so much so that he lets it get him into trouble. He reads our females well and knows what each one expects of him. He never ever "pushes it" with them. ​Having grown up here from puppyhood, Gunner knows very well that Patriot is the alpha male, and Gunner has never challenged that. He makes sure to always submit himself to Patriot (who doesn't even demand it) and is good friends with him.
Gunner is so tender-hearted and hates to think that he has displeased us. He will humbly offer a paw and look at us with the most beautiful brown puppy dog eyes that you have ever seen. He could melt the hardest heart and bring world peace with that expression. We absolutely adore this guy. He is warm and welcoming to family and friends whom he knows belong to our family and is a complete gentleman during greetings. Gunner is a great watchdog, is absolutely great with our kids, gets along marvelously with the other dogs, and is a gentle giant with the puppies.
Gunner has a game he plays all by himself that is so fund to watch. Almost every day without fail, Gunner will take one of the Nylabones that has been chewed down to about two bite sizes and he will smack it with his paws and watch it spin across the wood floor. As it slids across the floor, he tries to pounce on it to catch it. When he gets it, he flings it high into the air. He has flung that Nylabone everywhere in our house including our bed, any given window, and even the stovetop in the kitchen! He will sit and stare at it until someone gets it down for him. One session like this will take him through every room in the house as he gets lost in his game. Our favorite part of this whole scenario is that when Gunner realizes that we are watching him, he becomes immediately sheepish. He gets this, "Oh boy, I feel dumb" look on his face. It is so incredibly adorable to see such a massive and intimidating looking dog acting like an embarrassed little boy.
His head is big, and his bone structure is beautiful. We weren't actually looking for a solid black male when we bought him, but he landed in our laps at the right time and here we are with zero regrets. We are truly humbled and grateful to have this beautiful boy in our lives.
Gunner has an incredible pedigree. His daddy is VT-BH IGP1 X'Optimus de Eldorado (recently imported from Romania) whose great-grandfather is V Margman Yes. This side of Gunner's pedigree is filled with names such as V Jessica von Rednex, VA Mentos vom Osterberger-Land, and VA Pepe vom Leithawald, and VA Omen vom Radhaus.
His mother's side is SG Ofra vom Spessartblick (recently imported from Germany). Gunner's grandfather is VA9 (BSZS 2022) Yoris vom Osterberger-Land, and his grandmother is V Fabia vom Spessartblick. There's also VA1 Ober von Bad-Boll, V Tyson vom Kottersbusch, V Galina vom Frankengold, VA2 Fight vom Holtkamper Hof, and VA (BSZS 2021 & 2019) and VA (Belgium 2019) Asap vom Aldamar. This list could go on and on. This little guy is from some of the best bloodlines in the world and we are so happy to have that touch in our Gunner.

Ada von Rogenkamp
DM Clear
SIRE - SG3 Ace Team Perfect Kennel
German Import
Dam - Maggie vom Teero
20 months old

This is Ada. She joined our crew as a 19-month-old and fit in with our dogs right away.
Ada is sweet, has a very gentle nature, and is very, very smart. She picks up on what we want from her and has no trouble complying with the rules. Ada is a perfect fit with our other dogs as well. From the start, Ada understood that Delta is the head of the pack, and that Reba is second in command. She has not challenged that, but rather does the opposite by letting Reba and Delta have their position with no contest. That doesn't always happen with newcomers, so we are always so happy when a dog who hasn't grown up here sees the pecking order and falls right in line.
Delta is very comfortable with Ada, and that tells me a lot. Delta does not keep an eye on her as she interacts with our kids. It is comforting to us to see that Delta trusts Ada. True to who Reba is, she has accepted Ada and that's that! As long as our kids are treated well, Reba will get along with any dog. Patriot is always such a gentleman and has made Ada feel completely at ease. Gunner has finally found a friend who will accommodate his love for a good, old fashioned wrestling match, and Ada gives him a run for his money! To see this tight knit group of established dogs welcome a dog like Ada who did not grow up with them into their pack so quickly tells me that this is one very special girl.
As she continues to live here, I will continue to add to her profile with more details, but for now I am happy to say that Ada will stay with us, and we believe that she will make a very sweet and good mother. She has a very nice head for a female and has heavy bones and a very strong structure. She is healthy and sturdy.
She has an amazing pedigree. As the granddaughter of VA 2019 and 2021 Asap Vom Aldamar on her father's side and V1 Matty Vom Marketal on her mother's side, her bloodlines will be a wonderful compliment to the bloodlines we have here.
We can always count on stability, trainability, and easy training from these amazing bloodlines. Her next breeding should be around March 2025. Stay tuned and plan ahead! I don't expect these puppies to stick around for long.

Delta von Rogenkamp
OFA - Good Hips/Normal Elbows DM Clear
Weight: 78lbs
AKC Registered

I struggle with figuring out how to sum up what Delta means to me in just a few words. From the moment we brought her home as a young puppy, she set her heart and mind on obeying us and never, ever breaking the rules. She willingly gave us her heart and will and because of that, we have never had to have a difficult conversation with her on any level. I trust this dog implicitly with my children and know beyond the shadow of a doubt that she would lay down her life for them without hesitation. She lives her love for us every moment of every day.
Delta is duty, devotion, submission, and grace in the face of change. She accepts whatever we place before her and will fulfill her duties to the letter of the law. My bond with her, and hers with me, is something very special. We just seem to know what each other is thinking and can communicate without a word passing between us. I feel incredibly blessed to have been given the gift of Delta in my life and cannot fully express the amount of love and trust I have for this truly noble and magnificent girl. What I do know is that Delta will perform her duty to this family willingly until her dying day. This is not something we laid upon her; it is what she has gladly imposed upon herself. Delta, my trusted friend, my best dog ever, and my dear girl: you are so loved by this family, and we are so happy to wake up every day knowing that you are with us and taking care of our family. Thank you for always being that dog that I can count on for every need in every capacity and for always managing my loose ends. You are truly special, "Mama".

Pako von Ljulin
Bulgarian Import SV - HD/ED: A1/Normal
DM Clear/Carrier (not affected)
Weight: 97 lbs
Foreign and AKC Registered

Our magnificent Doc has been officially retired. He still gets around great and enjoys activities that keep him moving and socializing. There's a lot of miles on him still, and he deserves to enjoy every one of them. We are so grateful for everything that Doc has contributed to our home, family, and breeding business. He has an unbelievable gift for making everyone love him. We cannot express how much we love him and how he will always remain one of the most beloved dogs we've ever had. Thank you, Doc, for blessing our family with your love, obedience, and tender heart.
Doc is now living with some dear friends of ours. He lives in the woods where a river runs through. He gets to visit with all the people who come down the river and is a friend to everyone. He has become a favorite of all the people in the area. Doc turned 11 years old in May of 2024 and is still going strong! Even at his age, he is still a patient and kind mentor to the young pups of the friends and families around him. The best part is that we get to visit Doc and love to wrap our arms around this big guy. Clark and Joanne, we are so humbled and grateful for the way you love and value this precious boy. Thank you for giving him such a great retirement.

Gala von Bienewald
Gala Girl
Romanian Import
SV - HD/ED: A1/Normal
DM Clear
Weight: 80lbs
Foreign and AKC Registered

This lovely dog has contributed some of the best German Shepherds that the U.S. and Europe has seen. Gala is the precise example of what every German Shepherd female should be, but what most of us rarely get. Her temperament and balanced nature are beyond compare, her mothering abilities were exemplary, and her humility and obedience to her people is truly heartwarming. We have had the privilege of having Gala in our home and lives, and because of that she will forever have a place in our hearts that no other dog will fill. We love our "Gala Girl" and are happy to give her a well-deserved retirement.

Rhett Butler
DM Tested - Clear/Carrier (not affected)
OFA - Fair Hips/Normal Elbows
90 lbs
AKC Registered

This sweet, sweet boy has been the most gentle and kindhearted male we've ever had. Rhett has no ego, no desire to be a tough guy, and every desire to please us and show his affection at every opportunity. We are so blessed to have had the chance to have Rhett in our home and lives. We will always cherish the hugs, the dances of joy, and the huge heart that come from this special boy. My heart will always have a special spot carved out just for Rhett. I love you, sweet boy!