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We have one male puppy left. He is nine weeks old and is ready to go home anytime. Please scroll down for current pics and info on this beautiful pup.
Current Litter
We have one male puppy available. Green collar male is 8 weeks old and is ready to go home any time. He will be a short coat. Please scroll down for pics and bios.
$2000 AKC Registration without breeding rights
$2500 AKC Registration with breeding rights
We will deliver your puppy/dog to you for an additional fee. We do not use a service. Your puppy will travel safely and comfortably with us from our home to yours. Contact us for more details.
This pairing produces pups with deep red pigment, good bone structure, and very well-balanced, social dispositions. Patriot and Reba are both social, easy-going, accept newcomers to their pack, and neither one has an alpha mindset. They obey cheerfully and are very compliant. Their puppies will not disappoint. Reba is an excellent mother. She's very attentive to her puppies and is very sweet and cheerful with them. Reba is not temperamental or unpredictable. Our sweet Reba is pure gold. She is not the daughter of our now retired Gala, but Gala raised Reba as her own pup and Gala's influence on Reba is undeniable. Reba very much adopted the easy-going and compliant mindset of Gala. Reba is not a weak-spirited gal by any means and is not skittish or fearful. She's got a lovely balance and just doesn't hold grudges.
Patriot was imported from Romania as a puppy. From the moment his little paws hit our front lawn he set his heart on our kids, and they reciprocated. Patriot is their dog. They raised and trained him, they housebroke him, and they have made him the absolute best male we've ever had. He sleeps in one of their rooms every night, and when they are not home, he crawls onto one of their beds and lays there looking forlorn. He is truly lost without his babies. Patriot loves our kids, not because they are our "pups" and pack order tells him to, but because there is a very special love that passes between them that comes along very rarely in life. We implicitly trust Pat with our kids and have never had to correct his behavior toward them. He would lay his life down for them and never look back. To top it all off, he loves the other dogs and puppies like no male I have ever seen. He doesn't just tolerate them; he grooms them, cares for and plays with them, looks out for their safety, and loves them as a part of his pack. This guy is truly the total package.
Reba is the great-granddaughter of VA1 York von Ljulin on her mother's side, and the great-granddaughter of V Saskia Topolovnicka on her father's side. Her pedigree is filled with famous names such as Fitchenschlag, Farbenspiel, Bad-Boll, and D'Ulmental.
Patriot is the son of BH AD IGP1 Kkl Enzo de Panait and the grandson of IGP2 Kkl1 VA2 RO Odin von Bischof Metzger. Patriot's mom is BH IGP1 Kkl SG R-Queen di Casa Martin and the grandson of 2x VA5 BSZS Henko vom Holtkamper-Hof. His pedigree is full of Holtkamper-Hofs and Lidderdalis, all titled and accomplished animals in Europe.
Patriot and Reba are DM Clear, making their puppies DM Clear by parentage.
*Please note that we cannot refund deposits for any reason.*
Male 3 - Green Collar
9 weeks old
18 lbs
This little squirt is incredibly fun. His light bulb is turned on and he is ready to get going. He watches every move we make and seems to yearn to know more about the "people" side of life. He plays hard and sleeps hard. He will doze off from a seated position and will fall face first onto the floor when sleep overtakes him. When Reba is laying in the whelping box with them, he stands on her ribcage with all four paws for added height so that he can visit with us. He has to be as close to us as can be. He definitely keeps us laughing! He is a crowd pleaser around here.
Male 2 - Black Collar
8 weeks old
12.4 lbs
Here we have a young gentleman already. This pup is very easy-going and takes things as they come. He plays with his brothers, but even his playing has a level of maturity to it that mirrors an older pup. He takes in everything and processes it quietly without causing a stir. He seems to me to be tenderhearted, but not insecure. I can feel it when I hold him. I do see this guy as becoming a very solid companion who is capable of making really good choices. He has a characteristic that compels us to pay attention to him: after we stop his chest scratching session, he uses his paw to grab our hand and pull it back toward his chest for more. So adorable!
Male 1 - Red Collar
8 weeks old
12.4 lbs
If I could call any puppy the perfect balance, it would be this darling. He was the first one to try to climb out of his whelping box, he was the first one to start telling us when he wanted something, and he was the first one to find his voice. He wants to grow up and move forward in life. He likes people and his brothers equally. I see this pup as being particularly good at adjusting to whatever life brings him. One thing I really like about this guy is how he comes right up to us as soon as we come over to the whelping box. He's in the front of the crowd waiting to get and give affection.
Limited AKC Registration (no breeding rights) - $2000
Full AKC Registration (breeding rights) - $2500
$1000 deposit is required and will be applied toward the purchase price.
Deposit - $1036
PayPal charges a fee for using their service. These fees are collected by PayPal before our money is received.
Cash, Zelle, and PayPal are the only forms of payment we accept on the day of pickup. No exceptions.
Deposits are non-refundable, but they are transferable to another litter or time frame.
To pay using PayPal, click on the "Buy Now" button
If you prefer not to use PayPal, we also accept payments through Zelle. There are no fees to use this service. If your bank participates in Zelle, you can make a direct bank to bank payment transfer using our email. If your bank does not participate in Zelle, you can still use this payment method for free by downloading the Zelle app.
You can follow us on Facebook by clicking on the icon below.
I have a fellow breeder-friend who is selling two females who just turned one year old this month. They are from some of the best bloodlines in the world. He is retiring from the breeding business and is looking for good homes for them. Please visit the "Adult Dogs for Sale" page of our website for more information.
If we do not have any puppies available for you within your time frame, please contact us. We are able to have imported or first-generation U.S. born pups shipped to us for you to pick up at Liberty's West German Shepherds.
Pricing will vary, and there will be additional shipping costs.
Email or call us for more details.
Copyright 2024 - None of this website may be used or copied without express permission of Liberty's West German Shepherds
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